
I'm In GHANA!!!!

THIS IS SO CRAZY!!! I still can not believe I am in Ghana. I am staying at this hotel that is right one the beach. I am sitting here with my adviser and I can hear the waves crashing. My trip has been so crazy, filled with laughing, crying, overnight stays in airports, and monkeys. I can not wait to let you all know about it.

Hope all is well with everyone.

(One of the seismometers were in a game reserve, that's where I got the pictures of the baboons.)



Niki McNeill Brown said...

wow! did u take that picture? u must have been really close to them... have fun!!

becks said...

Stew!! So that's where you are! Send me a postcard!! 410 Deike!

12kyle said...

enjoy ya self, Stew

Dre' Leon said...

yo i hope you didn't take that picture of the baboons from your hotel window...